The Civil War in Louisiana

The Civil War in Louisiana - Cover

by John D. Winters

foreword by T. Harry Williams

536 pages / 6.25 x 9.25 inches / no illustrations

History / United States - Civil War Period

Paperback / 9780807117255 / August 1991

This comprehensive history fills an important gap in the story of the Civil War. Too often the war waged west of the Mississippi River has been given short shrift by historians and scholars, who have tended to focus their attention on the great battles east of the river. This book looks in detail at the military operations that occurred in Louisiana—most of them minor skirmishes, but some of them battles and campaigns of major importance.

The Civil War in Louisiana begins with the first talk of secession in the state and ends with the last tragic days of the war. John D. Winters describes with great fervor and detail such events as the fall of Confederate New Orleans and the burning of Alexandria. In addition to military action, Winters discusses the political, economic, and social aspects of the war in Louisiana. His accounts of battles and the men who waged them provide a fuller story of Louisiana in the Civil War than has ever before been told.

John D. Winters was professor of history emeritus at Louisiana Tech University, in Ruston.

T. Harry Williams (1909–1979) was Boyd Professor of History at Louisiana State University. He won both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for Huey Long: A Biography. Among his other works are Lincoln and His Generals, With Beauregard in Mexico, Romance and Realism in Southern Politics, and Americans at War: The Development of the American Military System.

Praise for The Civil War in Louisiana

“Exhaustive and exciting. . . . Heavily documented and with an extensive bibliography, The Civil War in Louisiana is a notable book.”—Charles L. Dufour

The Civil War in Louisiana is a carefully written and beautifully edited book and will stand for many years as the authoritative work on the Civil War in Louisiana.”—Florida Historical Quarterly

“One of the most thorough and complete works ever presented in this field of study.”—New Orleans Times-Picayune

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