Old Hickory's War

Old Hickory's War - Cover

Andrew Jackson and the Quest for Empire

by David Heidler

308 pages / 5.50 x 8.00 inches / no illustrations

ebook available

History / American History

Paperback / 9780807128671 / February 2003

In the years following the War of 1812, Battle of New Orleans hero General Andrew Jackson became a power unto himself. He had earlier gained national acclaim and a military promotion upon successfully leading the West Tennessee militia in the Creek War of 1813–1814, Jackson furthered his fame in the First Seminole War in 1818, which led to his invasion of Spanish West Florida without presidential or congressional authorization and to the execution of two British subjects. In Old Hickory’s War, David and Jeanne Heidler present an iconoclastic interpretation of the political, military, and ethnic complexities of Jackson’s involvement in those two historic episodes. Their exciting narrative shows how the general’s unpredictable behavior and determination to achieve his goals, combined with a timid administration headed by James Monroe, brought the United States to the brink of an international crisis in 1818 and sparked the longest congressional debate of the period.

David S. Heidler formerly taught at the University of Southern Colorado and is the author of Pulling the Temple Down: The Fire-Eaters and the Destruction of the Union. Jeanne T. Heidler is professor of history at the United States Air Force Academy. They are coauthors of The War of 1812 and Manifest Destiny and coeditors of Encyclopedia of the American Civil War. They live in Colorado Springs.

Praise for Old Hickory's War

“Heidler and Heidler tell the story in great detail and tell it well. They do not try to dress it up with romantic visions of honor or selfless devotion to the protection of dependents.”—Journal of American History

“A very readable account of Jackson’s military career.”—Journal of the Early Republic

“David S. Heidler and Jeanne T. Heidler have set out to provide a readable narrative of Jackson’s career in the Florida borderlands between 1812 and 1821, and they have given us the most thorough account of a subject usually treated piecemeal.”—Journal of Southern History

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