How to Tell If You Are Human

How to Tell If You Are Human - Cover

Diagram Poems

by Jessy Randall

Visual Poetry Series, Pleiades Press

80 pages / 8.00 x 10.00 inches / fully illustrated

Poetry | Poetry / American-General | Poetry / Women Authors

Paperback / 9780807169841 / October 2018

With an entirely new approach to poetry and the art of collage, Jessy Randall transforms diagrams, schematics, charts, graphs, and other visual documents from very old books into poems that speak to the absurdities, anxieties, and joys of life in this modern age.

Jessy Randall, author of the poetry collections Suicide Hotline Hold Music, There Was an Old Woman, Injecting Dreams into Cows, and A Day in Boyland, was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. Her poems, poetry comics, and diagram poems have appeared in Poetry, Rattle, McSweeney’s, and Asimov’s.

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