Girl after Girl after Girl

Girl after Girl after Girl - Cover


by Nicole Cooley

Barataria Poetry

80 pages / 6.00 x 9.00 inches / no illustrations


Paperback / 9780807166833 / September 2017

Winner of the Devil's Kitchen Reading Awards in Poetry

The poems in Girl after Girl after Girl celebrate the connections between mothers and daughters from generation to generation. Through an acknowledgment of mothers’ unconditional love, the memories evoked by physical objects, and the stories mothers pass down, these poems explore the common thread that stretches backward and forward, running through the lives of women and binding them together in an unbroken chain of years.

Nicole Cooley is the author of Breach, Milk Dress, The Afflicted Girls, and Resurrection. A native of New Orleans, Cooley directs the MFA Program in Creative Writing and Literary Translation at Queens College–CUNY, where she is a professor of English.

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