Freeing the Presses

Freeing the Presses - Cover

The First Amendment in Action

edited by Timothy E. Cook

revised by Regina G. Lawrence

second edition
Media and Public Affairs

232 pages / 6.00 x 9.00 inches / no illustrations

ebook available

Language Arts / Journalism

Paperback / 9780807154182 / June 2014
“A thoughtful, provocative, and timely account of the meaning of a free press in the United States.”—American Journal of Political Science
Most Americans consider a free press essential to democratic society—-either as an independent watchdog against governmental abuse of power or as a wide-open marketplace of ideas. But few understand that far--reaching public policies have shaped the news citizens receive. With contributions from leading scholars in the fields of history, legal scholarship, political science, and communications, this revised and updated edition of Freeing the Presses offers an in-depth inquiry into the theory and practice of journalistic freedom. In addition to a new foreword by Regina G. Lawrence and afterword by Laura Stein, Freeing the Presses presents fresh and timely analyses of the complexities of news media and politics.

TIMOTHY E. COOK (1954-2006) was the author of Governing with the News: The News Media as a Political Institution, which won the Doris A. Graber Best Book Award of the American Political Science Association. He was a coauthor of Crosstalk: Citizens, Candidates, and the Media in a Presidential Campaign, which won the Doris Graber Prize of the American Political Science Association.

REGINA G. LAWRENCE holds the Jesse H. Jones Centennial Chair in Communication in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin.

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