Freedom's Lawmakers

Freedom's Lawmakers - Cover

A Directory of Black Officeholders During Reconstruction

by Eric Foner

revised edition

336 pages / 7.50 x 10.00 inches / 129 halftones

African-American Studies | Literary Criticism / African American

Paperback / 9780807120828 / August 1996

With Freedom’s Lawmakers, Eric Foner has assembled the first comprehensive directory of the over 1,500 African Americans who held political office in the South during the Reconstruction era. He has compiled an impressive amount of information about the antebellum status, occupations, property ownership, and military service of these officials—who range from U.S. congressmen to local justices of the peace and constables. This revised paperback edition also contains new material on forty-five officials who were not included in the first edition.

In his Introduction, Foner ably analyzes and interprets the roles of the black American officeholders. Concise biographies, in alphabetical order, trace the life histories of individuals—many previously unknown—who played important parts in the politics of the period. This useful and informative volume also includes an index by state, by occupation, by office during Reconstruction, by birth status, and by topic.

Eric Foner is the DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University and the author of Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877, winner of numerous awards including the Bancroft Prize, and many other books. He serves on the editorial boards of Past and Present and The Nation and has written for the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, London Review of Books, among other publications.

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