Displaced Person

Displaced Person - Cover

A Girl's Life in Russia, Germany, and America

by Ella E. Schneider Hilton

280 pages / 6.00 x 9.00 inches / 18 halftones, 1 map

ebook available

History / World War II

Paperback / 9780807131923 / September 2006

In her moving and deeply personal memoir, Ella E. Schneider Hilton chronicles her remarkable childhood—one that took her from the purges of Stalinist Russia to the refugee camps of Nazi and postwar Germany to the cotton fields of Jim Crow Mississippi before granting her access to the American dream. Despite her hard life as a refugee, Ella finds solace in others and retains her indomitably inquisitive spirit. Throughout her ordeals, she never relinquishes hope or sight of her goal of education.

Poignantly and freshly rendered, this is a tale of determination. It is the story of a girl caught up first in the maelstrom of World War II and then in the complexities of American southern culture, adjusting to events beyond her control with resiliency as she searches for faith, knowledge, and a place in the world. 

Ella E. Schneider Hilton lives in Virginia. Now retired, she was a teacher and worked for the U.S. Department of the Army for eighteen years.

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