Blood Weather

Blood Weather - Cover


by Alice Friman

104 pages / 5.50 x 8.50 inches / no illustrations

ebook available

Poetry | Poetry / Nature | Poetry / Family | Poetry / Women Authors

Paperback / 9780807170069 / November 2019

Blood Weather, Alice Friman’s sharply etched new collection of poetry, reminds readers that times of reckoning are marked by blood: the knife, the sword, the cutting word. Blood runs through our history, stories, religion, and art, and we cannot help but play our part by adding to the storm of “fang and claw” and its inherent sorrow. Friman traces this unending path through biblical tales, the war of the sexes, the continuum of art, and her own family and personal life. Her poems reflect on figures ranging from Lady Macbeth—whom Friman sees in the blood-red tree outside her bedroom window—to Cain and Abel in the biblical account of the first murder, through Judge Judy’s frustrations when faced with the death of a marriage, to the poet herself as a child learning to read “the ancient writing of the butcher block / streaked with cuts and sacrifice” and the butcher’s hands, “blunt-fingered and stained.” By turns stark and resilient, the poems in Blood Weather draw on tragic themes and painful memories to evoke the tumult of human nature.

Alice Friman is the author of six poetry collections, including The View from Saturn and Vinculum. Born in New York City, she now lives in Milledgeville, Georgia.

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